January 28, 2000

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Carguero cruzando el Canal de Panamá por las Esclusas de MIRAFLORES
Vessel crossing MIRAFLORES Locks, Panama Canal

28-Jan-2000 /  Total Trip Kilometers 2732 / Weight: 65 Kg

Panama City - Panama
San Jose, Costa Rica to Panama City has to be the most challenging biking I've ever done!  Six days...straight thru!
Friend Sokolik was attacked by "killer" bees & stung 10 times; he's recovering nicely but - what new bugs await us ?!  Kids in Central America have been great, cheering us on with "Whoops" and waves.
Most memorable meal?  I nominate the pan-fried fish at a small cafe on Pan American Highway near San Bartolo: crispy - moist - delicious!  I'm eating ravenously but not getting FAT.  Next stop: Chile!

On the Road Again, Arnold    BTW, new BUZZcut --> (self portrait)