August 22, 2000

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Flims, Switzerland
Flims, 1100müM Dorf und Waldhaus gegen die Signina
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Kur- und Verkehrsverein. Flims Tel: 081/920 92 00

August 22, 2000 (#36)
Flims, Switzerland

[music] "SHAFT", ELVIS'S "You're the DEVIL in disguise!", BEATLES "PaperBackWriter," - Hit after Hit of GOLDEN (English) OLDIES comes over the PA system here at the gigantic SPORT-ZENTRUM complex where we're camped.  The narration is rapid-fire German, and the effect disconcerting: r-f FlashBacks of younger days...
The Swiss ambience is friendly, well-to-do, clean & orderly, the only noxious aspect here (newbie's perspective) is the pervasive cigarette smoke! :-(  -AC